STEAMPUNK HOLSTER- Gun, Mad Max, Road Warrior, Thunderdome, Apocalypse, Burning Man, Dragoncon, Fury Road, Cosplay, Comic Con, Wasteland by Moonhoar
20.00 USD
Distressed and badass! Whether you’re an outlaw or use aliens for target practice, both our pistol and raygun fit in this awesome holster. The holster fits any belt width up to 2 3/8 inches (6cm). The outside of the holster has lots of compartments for extra gadgets and devices. Pictured with our “Thunderdome” gloves available through the links below. A $ 5 discount is automatically applied for those ordering a gun in addition to the holster. Both the pistol and raygun feature a distressed finish, multi color lights, and emit shooting sounds when the trigger is pulled.
Men’s “Thunderdome” gloves:
Women’s “Thunderdome” gloves:
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